Medication(s) you may use for your sick Betta
It is vital to start medication(s), as soon as possible - like "NOW" yesterday!

and do not stop until the FULL 7 DAYS are completed,
even if betta looks ok!


Ick (parasite)
White spots and Betta may scratch against glass
May Use:
Coppersafe, add two drop into a one quart vase for 7 days,
raise water temperature to 81 F.
Medication must be use for 7 days do not stop even if fish looks are in good health, or
your fish may die due to relapse of the disease.

Fins look like falling off or decaying
May Use:
Ampicillex, sprinkle a light dusting on top of one quart vase's water, stir lightly.
Water changes every 2 days and add more medication.
Repeat medicaiton and water changes for a week.
Procedure must be done for a total of 7 days do not stop even if fish looks are in good health, or
your fish may die due to relapse of the disease.

White fuzz around mouth, head, or body Betta may look a pale color
May Use:
MarOxy, Maracyn two drop into one quart vase for 7 days.
Medications must be use for 7 days do not stop even if fish looks are in good health, or
your fish may die due to relapse of the disease.

Protruding eye(s)-big eyed, Betta may act sluggish
May Use:
Penicillin, Melafix, Ampicillex
Follow instruction on packet.

Cloudy Eye (s) or Film over Eye(s)
Vitamin deficiency
May Use:
Betta Food : 1-2 Blood worms by "Tetra" and 2-3 pellets of
Micro-pellet food by "Aquac Culture" feed once every two days - see care page.

Velvet (parasite)
Yellow dust on body
May Use:
Coppersafe, add two drop into one quart vase for 7 days.
Medication must be use for 7 days do not stop even if fish looks are in good health, or
your fish may die due to relapse of the disease.

Flukes (parasite)
Gills may enlarged, red gill area, rapid gill movement
May Use:
Fluke tabs or Clout
Follow instruction on packet.

(Kidney failure)
Abdomen looks like pineapple / pinecone Betta will be sluggish
(Water taken in cannot be expelled from body fast enough)
May Use:
Follow instruction on packet.

The Unknow (Most parasite & fungus)
May Use :
In precondition water (see below) use: three drop of MarOxyl and
three drop of CopperSafe into one quart vase for 7 days.
Keep water temp. between 79-81 degree F. no lower and no higher.
Medications must be use for 7 days do not stop even if fish looks are in good health.
Your fish may die due to a relapse of the disease if it is not treated for the full 7 days.

To make the precondition water use: 1/4 teasp. of Stress Coat and 1 table spoon of Aquarium salt (not table salt) mix in one gallon of water, let set to room tempature.

Hoping all will be well with your Bettas.
Thank you for trusting this site, tell a friend, and may GOD bless.....Your Bettas!

Note: We hold no responsibility for this page, readers must take this page as a suggestion page,
because this is not all there is to know about Betta, the water or plant care.